@article{200881, author = {Pierre Ronceray and Yaojun Zhang and Xichong Liu and Ned Wingreen}, title = {Stoichiometry Controls the Dynamics of Liquid Condensates of Associative Proteins.}, abstract = {
Multivalent associative proteins with strong complementary interactions play a crucial role in phase separation of intracellular liquid condensates. We study the internal dynamics of such "bond-network" condensates comprising two complementary proteins via scaling analysis and molecular dynamics. We find that when stoichiometry is balanced, relaxation slows down dramatically due to a scarcity of alternative binding partners following bond breakage. This microscopic slow-down strongly affects the bulk diffusivity, viscosity, and mixing, which provides a means to experimentally test this prediction.
}, year = {2022}, journal = {Physical review letters}, volume = {128}, pages = {038102}, month = {01/2022}, issn = {1079-7114}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.038102}, language = {eng}, }